PABX Phone System

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Our premier 3CX system works with popular IP Phone, SIP trunks and Gateways.

  • Video conferencing/web meeting,
  • Presence of colleagues,
  • Delivers  faxes & voicemail to email
  • Instant messaging & text

  • Use Your Extension From Anywhere
  • Eliminates the phone-wiring network and allows users to easily work  remotely
  • Make and receive calls during load shedding

  • Deployment: on premises, public or private cloud
  • Eco-system: handsets, SIP trunks , gateways

  • Fully featured call centre at very low cost
  • Includes a variety of customer relationship management integration

  • System creates a new contact if the inbound caller is not found  and creates a journal entry for the contact when the call ends
  • All inbound, outbound and missed calls will automatically be  logged in Outlook’s journal and shown in the activities tab for that  contact

  • Additional features can be installed remotely with the click of a  button. This means no costly call out fees when you want to make  changes on your PBX
  • You will not find a lower cost solution with the breadth o features  than what 3CX offers